Destructive Chewing: Why Your Dog Does It and How to Stop It


Photo by the happiest face =):

As a dog owner, you may have experienced the frustration of coming home to find your favorite shoes or furniture destroyed by your furry friend’s chewing habit. Destructive chewing is a common issue among dogs, but understanding the reasons behind it can help you find effective solutions to prevent further damage. In this article, we will explore why dogs engage in destructive chewing and provide you with practical tips to stop this behavior.

Reasons Behind Destructive Chewing

1. Teething: Just like human babies, puppies go through a teething phase where their gums are sore and itchy. Chewing provides them relief and helps their adult teeth come in. It’s important to provide appropriate chew toys during this phase to redirect their chewing behavior.

2. Boredom: Dogs are intelligent animals that need mental and physical stimulation. When they are bored, they may resort to chewing as a way to entertain themselves. Providing plenty of exercise, interactive toys, and puzzle games can help alleviate their boredom and reduce destructive chewing.

3. Anxiety and Stress: Dogs may chew as a way to cope with anxiety or relieve stress. Separation anxiety, changes in routine, or being in a new environment can trigger this behavior. Creating a safe and comforting space for your dog, using calming techniques such as music or pheromone diffusers, and seeking professional help if needed, can address the underlying anxiety and reduce destructive chewing.

4. Lack of Training: Proper training is essential to teach your dog what is acceptable to chew and what is not. Without consistent guidance, dogs may not understand the difference between their toys and your belongings. Positive reinforcement training methods, such as rewarding good behavior and redirecting them to appropriate chew toys, can help establish boundaries.

Effective Solutions to Stop Destructive Chewing

1. Provide Appropriate Chew Toys: Make sure your dog has a variety of chew toys that are safe, durable, and designed for their size and breed. Interactive toys, such as treat-dispensing toys or puzzle toys, can keep them mentally engaged and discourage destructive chewing.

2. Supervise and Redirect: When you cannot directly supervise your dog, confine them to a safe area or crate. This prevents them from accessing items they shouldn’t chew on. If you catch them chewing on something inappropriate, calmly redirect their attention to a chew toy and praise them when they engage with it.

3. Increase Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Dogs need regular exercise to release their energy and prevent boredom. Take your dog for daily walks, play fetch, or engage in interactive games that challenge their mind. A tired and mentally stimulated dog is less likely to engage in destructive chewing.

4. Use Taste Deterrents: Some dogs are deterred by certain tastes or smells. Applying a taste deterrent, such as bitter apple spray, to items you want to protect can discourage your dog from chewing on them. However, always make sure the taste deterrent is safe for your dog and follow the instructions carefully.

5. Seek Professional Help: If your dog’s destructive chewing persists despite your efforts, it may be beneficial to seek professional help from a certified dog trainer or animal behaviorist. They can assess the underlying causes and provide specialized guidance to address the behavior effectively.


Destructive chewing can be a frustrating behavior to deal with, but with patience, consistency, and understanding, it can be effectively managed. By addressing the root causes and providing appropriate alternatives, you can help your dog overcome their chewing habit. Remember, it’s important to approach the issue with kindness and positive reinforcement, as punishment or scolding may worsen the behavior. With the right strategies in place, you and your furry friend can enjoy a chew-free and harmonious living environment.

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